June 23, 1967 Dr. Leo J. Gehrig Acting Surgeon General Department of Health, Education and Welfare Washington, D. C. Dear Dr. Gehrig: I have given careful consideration to your letter of June 6 inviting me to service on the National Advisory Mental Health Council. I have decided to accept the invitation, and will be happy to servjée to the best of my capacity. This is limited both with respect to the total mmount of time that I will have at my disposal for this responsibility, and to my quali- fications over the very broad field of the Council's concerns. I will simply do the best I can. Since I have the opportunity to comment in the columns of the Washington Post on matters of public interest that may include topics in mental health, I would like to be sure before my appointment is confirmed that (1) you are aware of this activity, and (2) that my membershippon the Council in no way restricts my freedom of expression. I will, of course, respect the confidentiality of information received in the course of my official duties, and which would not have been available to me in any other capacity. My form HEW-474, if not enclosed, will be sent promptly under separate cover. Sincerely yours, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics