DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE 9000 ROCKVILLE PIKE BETHESDA, MD. 20014 REFER TO: JUN 6 198? Dear Dr, Lederberg; It gives me great pleasure to invite you to membership on the Public Health Service's National Advisory Mental Health Council for the term commencing October 1, 1967, through September 30, L971, The Public Health Service Act provides that the Surgeon General shall encourage, cooperate with, and render assistance to appro- priate public authorities, scientific institutions, and scientists in the conduct and coordination of research, investigations, experiments, demonstrations, and studies relating to the cause, diagnosis, treatment, control, and prevention of the physical and mental diseases and impairments of man. Under this authority the Surgeon General has established various programs providing grants and awards in support of research and training to universities, hospitals, laboratories and other public or private institutions, as well as to individuals. The Councils are consulted by and make recommendations to the Surgeon General concerning the pertinent programs of the Public Health Service. A major responsibility is the review and recom- mendation of grants to support nongovernmental research, In this connection, the Councils have the benefit of the technical advice of groups of consultants. Another continuing and very important responsibility is the survey of the total research in the subject field and the recommendation of action necessary to stimulate additional work in gap areas, Members of the Councils are selected from the leaders in the fields of fundamental sciences, medical sciences, education, and public affairs, Our past experience has demonstrated that the interchange of ideas between lay and professional members has contributed immeasurably both to the promotion of research activities and to the public understanding and utilization of the many programs of the Public Health Service. Meetings of the Council are usually held three times a year for two or three days in Bethesda, Maryland, and compensation is allowable at the rate of $50 per day for time spent at meetings. In addition, reimbursement is made for actual and necessary transportation costs and subsistence expenses incurred in connection with attendance at meetings. The President on May 8, 1965, issued an Executive Order prescribing standards of ethical conduct for officers and employees of the Government, A copy of the Regulations which relate specifically to advisors and consultants is enclosed, The conflict of interest law makes special provision for "special Government employees," those individuals whose total Government service does not exceed 130 days. Enclosed also is a form for your use in providing the required information about your private employment and financial interests for the fiscal year July 1, 1967, through June 30, 1968, One copy of the form should be completed and returned in the enclosed envelope and the other copy retained for your records, This form must be completed annually; if changes occur in your employment or financial interests during the year, an amendment to this statement should be submitted, Although I realize that there are many pressing demands upon your time, I hope that you will find it possible to accept this invitation and give the Public Health Service the benefit of your valued counsel, Upon learning of your acceptance, I shall ask Dr. Stanley F. Yolles, Director, National Institute of Mental Health, to supply the information you may like to have and which might be helpful in this important position, With all good wishes. Sincerely yours, Aoting Surgeon General Dr. Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics & Biology Department of Genetics School of Medicine Stanford University Palo Alto, California 94304 Enclosures