THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN MADISON 6 DEPARTMENT OF MEDICAL GENETICS DEPARTMENT OF GENETICS SCHOOL OF MEDICINE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE Please Reniy Ta - ; nei yrs Poona ME : $ CUMMING June 21, 1958 Dr. Herbert F, York Ref: Your letter 17 June Adasnced Research Projects Agency (IDA study group) Washington 25, 0.0. My wire this date Dear Dr, York: As has perhaps been true for a nupber of your other consultants, the proposed dates conflict sharply with other commitments of long standing and I am not sure that it will be possible to alter my program in such a way as to permit my participation in your challenging assignment. I will do my best and should be able to wire you in about a week, Meanwhile, I will answer your question on my security clearance in order to save tine. As I do not now hold an active clearance, the time needed may prove to be a decisive factor; if there would not be sufficient time to allow my parti- cipation in the forthcoming meeting, please let me know so as to rescue me from a serious dilemm., I would also be interested to know whether there would be any profit in my attendance during just the first ten days or se of the session, as the interval from July 25 on presents the most serious difficulties for me. WH In 1951-52 I was principal investigator (‘contractor's representative') on an unclassified research contract with the Department of the Army, Chemical Corps Biological Warfare Laboratories, Fort Detrick, Frederick, Maryland, At their request, I applied for appointment as a consultant, in addition, which necessitated 'Q' clearance. By letter dated h August 1952, and infor- mally, my project officer (Dr, Werner Brawn) informed me that my clearance had been approved, but that new regulations precluded the appointment of a contractor's representative as a consultant. I was able, however, to con- sult effectively with Dr. Braun without reference to class ified material, and I have not since had any occasion to request clearance. Subsequently, I have served as a consultant to the National Science Foundation and the Natioml Institutes of Health, which consiftuted nonsensitive positions and the filing of CSC Form 85. As a possible means of saving some time, I am enclosing an amendment to the Personal History Statement (WD 643A) originally filed in 1951-52, executed on some old CSC Form 86 that T found in my fikes. Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg Chairman, Department of Medical Genetics