May 23, 1951. Dr. 3. F. Careon, Blology Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Box P, Oak Ridge, Tenn. Dear Stan- Lampen and Peterjohna's paper is returned herewith. It doesn't say enough to evoke very mich critical comment, but it is clearly writtea, sound, and has some interest. In my opinion, it should be published in its present form. If I had seen the paper in an earlier draft, I might have suggested a reference to Stanier as the outstanding proponent of the general. technique of "signuiltaneous" adaptation, and Kareteom's x@BOx 1930 thesis, rather than the '36 review- but none of these are im portant enough to send the paper back. In the references, German nouns should be capitalised, and the punctuation and ratational condigura tions more consistent and explicit. The ££ footnotes are perhaps unnecessarily lavish; 2-5 would readily be accomodated in the text. There ought to be a little closer review of the genetical assertions that crop tp in J. Bast. papera: the last few issues have had a Sum susber of atrocious examples which should be at least commented on by competent referees. Sincerely, Joshua Lederberg, Associate Professor of Genetics