THE ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY pro bono humani generis 1230 YORK AVENUE - NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10021-6399 Joshua Lederberg UNIVERSITY PROFESSOR October 31, 1993 Sr. Federico Mayor Director-General UNESCO 7, Place de Fontenoy 75700 Paris, FRANCE Ref de /2 3/) IS Dear Dir-Gen. Mayor I am responding to your letter dated Oct. 4, which reached here with some delay. One of my urgent preliminary recommendations is that you link yourself to electronic mail networks yourself, as a proud example of the theme of the use of modern communications technologies. Now is certainly the time, as the world is crystallizing very quickly in the patterns of application of "multimedia." It would be sensible to think that the telecommunications agencies associated with the UN request states parties collectively to reserve a portion of the radio spectrum and of satellite capacity for such global purposes. The issues you raise are too complex to answer in a short letter. In fact my specific recommendation is that you convene a workshop precisely for that purpose. The first priority is more efficient access to the existing published literature of the world, especially in science where the needs are most time-urgent. Here there are no new programming costs, but there are thorny issues of copyright. If there were a reputable body to ensure against abuse of any concessions made to the developing world (contra prevalent piracy of print publications in some Asian countries), the publishers might be more flexible with their licenses. UNESCO could well play a role. I advise the Soro Foundations on these and related matters and will bring your note to George Soros’ attention. I will be in Paris briefly on Nov. 12, attending a committee of the Academie Universelle des Cultures (ph. 44-78-14-47), and again on December 17. If time permits, I will call your office to see if there is any opportunity to slip in a brief conversation. Conversely, I hope you will keep this in mind when you are in NY. (My phone here is 212: 327-7809.) Your idea is not merely a good one, it is a necessary next step. ours sinc ; Lederberg rockvax.rockefeller,edu.