———~ Tren; united nations educational, scientific and cultural organization | { | organisation des nations unies pour I’éducation, la science et la culture f epummmmnsnatneneemmenanssemmneanenl . > « . “7 . . —————_ Organizacion de las naciones unidas para la educacion, la ciencia y la cultura 7, place de Fontenoy, 75700 PARIS telephone: national (1) 45.68. 10,00 telegrams: Unesco Paris telex: 204461 Paris A 270602 Paris fe telefax: 45.67.1690 seen The Director-General pe 1993 reference: DG/2.3/1834 me -4 OCT 1993 Dear Dr Lederberg, Like many others, | am very much preoccupied by the growing isolation of scientists who come from developing countries, Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union, and whose intellectual contacts with the world scientific community have been severed. Modern communication technology could allow us to alleviate this problem. | am thinking about the feasibility of establishing a UNESCO scientific channel. Using satellites, it would deliver the lectures and other communications prepared by world-renowned scientists to universities all over the world, but particularly to those in developing countries, Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. | believe that such a delivery system, if mounted quickly, could be of great importance to the future of world science. i would be most grateful to receive your comments and advice about pursuing this idea. What kind of structure, what body might determine the channel's programming? What are the possible sources of funding (this is not that cheap an exercise)? And whatever else would be useful to discuss. With thanks in advance for your consideration, | am Yours sincerely, Federico Mayor Dr Joshua Lederberg President-Emeritus Rockefeller University 1230 York Avenue Box 400 NEW YORK, NY 10021 USA international + (33.1) 45.68.1000