OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF DEFENSE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20301 DEFENSE SCIENCE BOARD 9 October 1980 Dr. Joshua Lederberg The Rockefeller University Box 115 1230 York Avenue New York, New York 10021 Dear Josh: I want to extend my thanks for your participation on the 1980 Defense Science Board Summer Study on Chemical Warfare. It was an unusually effective team effort, and I appreciate the time and energy you devoted to it. Your knowledge and insight in these matters was of its usual great quality and depth. I particularly am grateful for the leadership you displayed in Chairing the Defensive Panel. I think that we have sparked an interest which will lead to significant improvements in our chemical warfare posture. As I mentioned at the briefing, I have never worked with a more enjoyable or stimulating group at a DSB Summer Study. Sincerely, Tohh M. Deutch hgirman Summer Study on CW