OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF DEFENSE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20301 DEFENSE SCIENCE BOARD 12 December 1983 Dr. Joshua Lederberg The Rockefeller University Box 115 1230 York Avenue New York, New York 10021 Dear Josh: As you may be aware, I have felt for some months that the time had come to turn over the DSB chairmanship to another of our members. I have now served in the capacity of chairman for over three years and, although truly an enormously rewarding position, it is nonetheless incredibly de- manding upon one's time. Secretary Weinberger has agreed to appoint a new chairman, however, it is of course the Secretary's role and not mine to make the announcement as to the specific individual he has selected. The purpose of this letter, therefore, is simply to thank you for your unwavering support of the DSB and the DoD, and to say I feel enormously fortunate to have been associated with a group of people of your caliber. I believe there is much in which we can take pride; particularly includ- ing the continued conduct of high quality studies in spite of a workload roughly double earlier experience in terms of number of task forces; es- tablishment of a fine staff with, for the first time, a representative of each of the four Services to provide direct communication with their orga- nizations; addition to the Board of a member with operational experience derived from each of the four Services; further establishment of a tie with the Chairman of the JCS; a new mechanism of communicating with our DSB members; and so forth. The sole disappointment of the past three-plus years, in my opinion, has been the enormous and largely unproductive diversion of time and effort to defending the Board and its members against attacks on their integrity in the conflict of interest arena ... attacks which of course remain unsubstantiated. I fear that the greatest damage suffered is in fact not to the Board's current effectiveness but rather is one of dis- couraging qualified individuals from joining the Board in the future. We will all need to work very hard to assure that this does not happen. 12 December 1983 Page 2 Again, I thank you for your part in making the job of the Chairman ninety-nine percent positive, rewarding, and just plain "fun". I look forward to continuing to serve with you as we support our new Chairman beginning in 1984. May I also take this opportunity to wish you a very pleasant holiday season. Sincerely, SI", Norman R. Augustine Chairman NRA:gm ce: Dr. Richard D. DeLauer Dr. James P. Wade