OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY OPERATED BY CARBIDE AND CARBON CHEMICALS DIVISION UNION CARBIDE AND CARBON CORPORATION Ta POST OFFICE BOX P OAK RIDGE, TENN. May 15, 1951 Via Air Mail Dr. J. Lederberg University of Wisconsin Department of Genetics Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Josh: I am very glad that you have agreed to review the paper by Lampen, which is enclosed with this letter. I have been reviewing quite a number of papers which have been sent to me by Porter for the Journal of Bacteriology, but I feel that this one should be reviewed by someone who has had a fair amount of experience with adaptative enzymes, in order that we can have the best review possible. At present with the new Editorial Board setup, there has been no indication that reviewing will be done by anyone except members of the Editorial Board, however, I am very much against having it done this way, and will bring up at the E. B. meeting later this month my thoughts relevent to these procedures. My feeling is that the reviewing should be done by the best people in the field, whether or not they be members of the Editorial Board or of the Society of American Bacteriologists.* I will appreciate it very much if you would be able to send me back the manuscript with your candid comments within a week or ten days. It goes without saying that the comments will be anonymous. With very best wishes, I am Sincerely, Ha SPC:th S. F. Carson Biology Division * L wrede oa © ast GC 2h, Ll Pmt. ahnsn$, te Pivites ton be wer hi, qT Meri 4 Urew wn Soc. fe Sant Paw, or even Wet Wewtans of We "M46. Se. for SM" = Qa te tne Iams tne vette be reviewed, Ged are ayers 4A fue we Mey BES a ote