Department of Microbiology School of Medicine Western Reserve University Cleveland €, Ohio March 19, 1950 Dr, Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin Dear Dr. Lederberg: At the suggestion of Dr. S. #. Luria I am seeking to obtain from you a transfer of a mutant strain of FE. coli, K-12, that he sent to you in the summer or fall of 1948. The particular strain in question had a requirement for adenine plus uracil, but would also grow when given xanthine or guanine. I isolated this strain at Indiana while working under Dr. Luria towards the masters degres in bactericlogy, ond this is the first situation I have been im since leaving school where the opportunity to do additional work with mutants has presented itself. I am working under Dr. J. 0. Lampen at present and we are interested partivularly in purine-pyrimidine me:abolism, Dr. Luris has i.formed me that his strain of the orsanism is no longer viebls, but that I might be able to get a culture from you. If you could send me a strain of the organism I would be very grateful. Very truly yours, Jorg € ‘\ . - George 0, Carrington