: “Dp, ratip ae Carpenter he Bacteriology. Dapar buon ae “os Moiversliy of Ryode Taland oo Kenge lon, ‘Rhoda Jelend Dear ore Ganpenter: | Le . oo a Thank pow for your letter of Noveabar a. a4 Tou will probably hawe | pean the "ovenbor 1982 | issue of the Journal: of se “Byotertoxo py, which ankes further raply on thie point unnsctss sty. t veil. “toe pldase d to ‘send, you & reprint whon the supply arrives. Yor tent purpou: 8,24 youre suggest that the | typhiseriun:- “x Stent trens- oe | ducts On. Bay raprasint i secon’ order of complexity, vi _ wath @ diphasts, -x monophasic. “Kistes ag-T, sou i guggast § Abst. you. eat aS tao following vary. clear aut, results: OM . - “ay ‘(phase 1) oi ‘yphtmrtue + ‘ Ww ’ ar; - 2 “Gooner 8) : V xtd; oe . at. Iv ¥: ah Ae we ebony Uhiaee 2 Rough lg ke sf or a mae ce ov Ivy xt, vai byphciar tu + TY vxE; siege oo . abou “(phase 2s. a Soe songad — Ew Ty us 2% oo nv XID) Eu BG; ea ; vo “those LMuatrate the pattern ghtch | appears to preditt over’ wide. riage” af. transduction experiments, namdly that oily one phase’ to tranécueed at ig One occasion, and thatithts ‘gorresponds ta the. phase of the boo tanta 0B whieh oahe Fa (ave phage) nas justi beea propagated. as The. expartaents. ape » done by. Ancculatlag soft egax’ pins ‘anbtioereas: (ong: so oo aptnt and antieds2) with @ alxtape AP the veciplont bacteria ant the Phe The transductiona form buda, then swaras la the soft agar, and have been “$n the phase indis ‘by the underlining. Tate work will ba published ia due course, but needs considerably acre study to fortify a sound genetic 7 theary of phase variation. Until ‘thea, as my be. poted as & *. persons commauni—- Gatton from me, etsna’ i dines; any 1 chlnian’ Ghat, Z may ive a stoant, pooletaptahty’ next : _ TEE Bk. - oF Md.» would you ask theb they write tome? | : oS | a ‘Yours sincerely, . - doatua Jesareers Mealing ws-4t does yp tort ps