UNIVERSITY OF RHODE ISLAND KINGSTON. RHODE ISLAND DEPARTMENT OF BACTERIOLOGY November 21, 1952 Dr. Joshus Lederberg Department of Genetics University of wisconsin Medison, wisconsin Deer Doctor +ederberg: il was greatly interested in your lecture in Hoston last week, end would like to tell you how much i enjoyed it. Several of my students who were present also commented that they were surprised to be able to understand so much in spite of their limited background. In connectio: with e¢ textoook menuscript on which tL am working I would like to be able to refer in some detsil to your work on serologic varisnts of Sel. typhosa. I have the reference to the abstract of the paper presented br or. Zinder and yourself et the Boston meetings last May. Has that work been published in full as yet? There was the later work also, which I presume has not been published, in which you trensduced a diphasic form, or at least a phase 2 form, of the same orgenism. I wonder if you could give me = brief ststement of that work to which I might refer. If you feel that it would be premature, I will of course not mention it. I will eppreciate eny comments you may care to meke, end also any reprints you mey hsve et this time or in the future on such serologic trensductions. Sincerely yours, Platip X. Curprre Philip L. Carpenter