i “areh 29, 1949 “aboratoire Pasteur PARIS (V*), le ren ’ 4 Rue d’UIm, 26 DE VINSTITOT DO RADIUM TEL. : ODEON 45-75 SERVICE DE RADIOBIOLOGIE DE . : , l'Institut Pastear , * Dear Dr, Lederberg: I was very glad to r ceive your interesting reprints, namely your knkz extensive survey on bacterial genetics, but very unfor- tunately, I lost it in a trein yesterday. If you have sore extra ones, could you be so kind es to send me one more. I huve in my leboratory a young fellow from Rio de Jéeneiro who vrorks on bacterial mutations and intends to introduce this. new field in his country next year. For this purpose, he collects the littera- ture on the subject anc would be serateful to you if you could send him some of your reprints, “is name is Dr.0.*.2lies, Then you very much in acvence, This letter sives me the onportunity of tellin=s vou « little about my present two works, vhich ney be of sore intcrest to you, 1) Sinee 2 years, I tried ‘0 see if there is ny reletion bet- ween corcinosenicity of some weter-soluble derivatives und their mute renicity on bacteria, IT finelly esye to the conclusion that so many factors are involved in both phenovena that the only Ssisnificant results Rey involve chemicals of the same serics and very close to cech othe some of them bcins carcinorens and the thors not. In doing so, “ve mey expect that Pactors such as solubility, penetretion, stedility, steric in hindrance, ete are not too different within the sare series, and thet the diffe- renees in activity lie in the biochemicel reeetion itself, “A first result was obtained vith: 1,£2,5,6-dibenzanthracene-a,\* Sadkum endosaccinate anthracene -c f encosuccinste The former is carcinosenie and mutagenic nor p, élthough core toxic on the becter A secona result, more siznificant, wus re Gurbeomaetes: ; the lattcr is not K Le, cently obtained with ethyl carbemete: K +444 po tt++ Lsopropyl - ++ ++ propyl - + + butyl - 0 0 Of course, both activities ere not mathereticelly defined, and one could discuss the validity of my ++, but I can say that voth ectivities run pe rellel in this series, 8) As regrrds the cancer problem, I hive been very inclined to follow the so-celled plesmusene story, or, et least the ides thet some senctie change in a cytoplesmic constituent vicht be at the orisin of @ cuncer cell (this ch msc beings caneble of modifying the nutritional recuirements or the eesll. A path of attack seemcd to check if cercinozenic efents could afk ne induces mut: tions in evtoplesr une Dirst in viruses 2 i oO S Rut no clesr cut inducec mutetions hed O a never been obtained as yet. Gince Last eneus t, T triss to induce e mutetion in a bucterionhoce by rrad fetins “AA . infected bacteria at the time of ph.se multiblication, Such « nut: tion hes been obtained at nresent, As expected u ané the vari: t ron with the ose snpeers a Cc Pveor my orececine vork on the multipvlicetion of th:.t virus (T2)) : c. the phenomenon varies sccording to the time of the le tent period, since multiplication does not proecsed the sere throush- out this nertod., Ss you mey cxpect, tuentitetive determin tions are pretty heré to set with s curucy, becuuse nany things interfere, But it enceouras:s me to hundle now a sethod for inducing mutations in a virus, “y present purposs is to see if such mutations could not be & ror neu ced by a pre-treatment of the beecteovia re infection, -T ns the best to you bes “rcuse mc ror that "ovo. vardere™, “op very sincerely Reg nok Leng aA Rey ih ond Later jet