danuory BY, 1951. Difco Laboratories, Detroit 1, Michdean. Genéténen: I hepe that the fellowing suggestion oan be brought to the attention of the appropriate officer of your company. . Tie metcl cans in which yeu new supply Bacto Arar, in one pound lote,are attractive ani spprosricts to their use. It turns out, unfer- tunately, that they are juts a few millimeters too nerray to accenodate the lide of stondord 10 on Petri plates. I think that a good many bae- teriologiste vould lita to be able to make uns of these oylintfical cana, rather than diecard thes when empty. For example, I would like to have them fer refriparater oteracs ofe7all batches ef plates. Would there be ony possibility of making thie slight alteration in the dinveter of thesa cans without dislecating your shipment ochedutes? Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg, Aesoolate Profeccor ef Genetics