THE PEW CHARITABLE TRUSTS Suite 501 Rebecca W. Rimel pag 23 April 1987 Three Parkway Vice President Philadelphia for Programs Pennsylvania : 215.587.4040 I9102.1305 . APR 28 1367 Pee oF rye EES Dr. Joshua Lederberg President The Rockefeller University New York, NY 10021 Dear Josh: I want to apologize for taking so long to get back to you concerning your notes on our historiographic project for the Pew Scholars Program. Your thoughts were very helpful to me, particularly the guide sheet on preserving records and the role of The Pew Charitable Trusts. A few ideas came to mind as I reviewed the material. First I wondered about the possible staging of this project. It might begin with the archiving of applications and materials from the annual meetings in order that we don't wait too long to begin, particularly with information on our first and second year Scholars. It might also be useful to discuss this project with a few representative scholars to determine their level of interest and how we might design this to be most * helpful in supporting their careers. I would need your guidance as to whether this should be done after the initial archiving project or in parallel. It would be useful, however, to have their input before launching the project to ensure that the design is responsive to their needs and that their understanding of its utility are well presented to facilitate acceptance of the project. Perhaps the best thing to do would be for us to discuss the logistics, including personnel, a budget and timetable. We, of course, would need Bob's and Pat's assistance with this. Perhaps after you have given some thought as to who will serve as the principal investigator on the project, we could work directly with them on some of these details. I very much appreciate your continuing interest in the project, which I know will serve not only as a useful tool for our ongoing evaluation of the Pew Scholars Program, but more importantly, as an archive for the history of science that might prove extremely useful to not only the Scholars but the broader scientific community. I look forward to hearing from you as your time permits about how you feel we should best proceed. Again, thanks for your The Pew Memorial Trust The Medical Trust A division of The J, Howard Pew Freedom Trust The Mary Anderson Trust The Glenmede Trust The Mabel Pew Myrin Trust The Knollbrook Trust Company The ].N. Pew Jv. Charitable Trust Dr. Joshua Lederberg 23 April 1987 Page Two continuing support and guidance with this and our many other programs of Rebecca W. Rimel ce: Robert Berliner, M.D. Thomas W. Langfitt, M.D. Roseann W. Siegel Encl. RWR :mo