THE ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY 1230 YORK AVENUE NEW YORK, NY 10021 JOSHUA LEDERBERG January 14, 1988 PRESIDENT PERSONAL Dr. Guillermo Soberon Minister of Health National University of Mexico : Lieja No 7 ler Piso Juares 06696 MEXICO Dear Guillermo: It was a pleasure to touch base with you again at our meeting two years ago in Davos; and I have looked forward to some further opportunities to be with you. One is coming up: the Pew Trust Medical Research Scholars Group is planning to meet in Ixtapa the week of March 5, 1989. The meeting will comprise the scientific advisory board which makes selection on the fellowships, and as well over forty of the most brilliant medical scientists in the United States carefully selected for the likelihood of their further research accomplishments. They represent every medical research center in our country and I've no doubt at all that they will be the top leadership of the profession in the years ahead. The thought has been expressed that it would be desir— able to broaden the outlook of these gifted people, which as you know tends to become every more narrowly specialized in molecular biology and related areas. That was one motive in the decision to hold the next meeting in Mexico. I had urged that Mexico City would be far more authentic than Ixtapa but there were a number of logistical considerations that won out in the final determination. I'm writing to you now to ask two favors, one whether you would be personally available and interested to address our group at any time at your convenience in the interval from March 6th through March 8th, 1989 in Ixtapa. We would be Dr. Guillermo Soberon January 14, 1988 Page -2- delighted for you to spend as much time with us as you would care to do and meet further with these very fine investigators. The Pew Trust, which is one of the largest medical research foundations in the world, will be happy of course to assume any expenses and will provide a modest honorarium. My second favor to ask of you is to suggest the names of two or three other Mexican health scientists that you think we could approach, or with whom it might even be thought some of our group might arrange laboratory visits, perhaps on route to or from Ixtapa. Dr. Robert Berliner, the retired dean of Yale Medical School and the director of the scholars' program asked me to write you with this introduction. It would expedite matters if you were able to reply directly back to him in New Haven at: Pew Scholars Program 350 Congress Avenue (3E) New Haven, Connecticut 06510-1402 Telephone number - 203 785-5583 _ You will not be surprised that, out of this large group of investigators, only a very small handful have ever expressed a direct interest in parasitic disease, or other conditions of special concern to developing countries. Occasions like this might be helpful in inspiring a greater interest in that set of problems, and much more broadly in trying to forge still more effective links between U.S. and Mexican research institutions. So I do hope it will be possible for you to reply favorably, and I would certainly look forward to an opportunity to meet you once again. Yours sincerely, oghua Lederberg Encs.