CARNEGIE (COMMISSION ON SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, AND GOVERNMENT 10 Waverty PLACE, New York, NY 10003, PHONE: (212) 998-2150, Fax: (212) 995-3181 EMAIL: CARNEGIE @ ACF LLNYU.EDU COMMISSION William T. Golden Co-Chair Joshua Lederberg Go-Chatr David Z. Robinson Execative Director Richard C. Atkinson Norman R, Augustine John Brademus _ Lewis M. Branscomb Hon. Jimmy Carter William T. Coleman, Jr. Sidney D. Dreil Daniel J. Evans Andrew J. Goodpaster Shirley M. Hutstedler BAR. Tao Helene b.. Rapin Denaid Reaneds Charies Met. Mathias, Jr. Willan J. Perry Robert Mo Salow He Gustard Stever Shela bE. Widnuil Jorame B. Wiesner ADNUSORA COL NCIE. Ciraham PL Allison, dr. William ©. Baker Harve Brooks taroid Krawa daumes Mi. Cannon Ashton 1. Clirter Hoa. Richard FF. Celeste Hon. Laavten Chiles Theodore Cooper Eugene 1. CataeRobles William Dravien Vhemas Ehrlich Stuart t. [izenstat Hon. Geraid Re Ford Ralph i. Gemory Rev. Theodore Mo Hesburah Walter EE. Masses Rodney We Niciels David Packard Hon. Lessis FL Powell. Jr Charlies W. Powers James 8. Reston Alive M. Risin Oscar M. Ruebhausen Jonas Salk Maxine 1°. Singer June 18, 1991 Dr. Harriet Zuckerman Andrew W. Mellon Foundation 140 East 62nd Street New York, NY 10021 Via fax: (212) 888-4172 Dear Harriet: The Carnegie Commission on Science, Technology, and Government has now passed its midpoint, and we are beginning to contemplate what the impact may be of the entire process. Our tacit model has been that objective analysis could show how the scientific method and technical expertise could improve the general welfare in a self-evident way, if but applied to the appropriate problems. We have given much less attention to (1) the ways in which rational judgment must be coordinated with democratic political process, and (2) how the scientific community itself may be judged as a special political interest group. Indeed, some might argue that the appeal to rationality is itself a political ideology intended to further the interests of the ’technocracy.’ We have also to consider how the scientific community can in fact and in perception moderate the power implicit in special knowledge so as to be equitably responsive to a public interest that may not share the idealization of rational process. The Commission has until now given little formal consideration to these questions at any high level of abstraction, though they often inform some of our pragmatic recommendations. We are planning an informal workshop in New York City on July 11, 1991, to try to delineate the questions more clearly, and to advise the commission on whether further special studies might be recommended. We apologize for the short notice, but are capitalizing on the fortunate presence in the U.S. of Dr. Yaron Ezrahi (visiting professor at Harvard this summer) — and we do recommend his recent book The Descent of Icarus as a starting point of discussion. Thanks for your help on the invitation list, and I hope you will be able to Boece Wakeeite” join us. Please call Maxine Rockoff at (212) 998-2152 when your plans: become Herbert I?. York clear. to . . . Charles A. Zraket - a Qa ryellan tal Sincerely, Cmgun Joshua Lederberg Co-Chair E> New fhenheny