(CARNEGIE (SOMMISSION AUG 2.5 1993 CHP __ ON SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, AND GOVERNMENT 437 MapDISON AVENUE, 27TH FLOOR, New York, NY 10022 Puone: (212) 207-6336 Fax: (212) 754-4073 EMAIL: CARNEGIE@ACFI.NYU.EDU COMMISSION William T. Golden Co-Chair Joshua Lederberg Co-Chair David Z. Robinson Executive Director Richard C. Atkinson Norman R. Augustine John Brademas Lewis M. Branscomb Jimmy Carter William T. Coleman, Jr. Sidney D. Drell Daniel J. Evans Gen. Andrew J. Goodpaster (Ret.) Shirley M. Hufstedler Adm. B. R. Inman (Ret.) Helene L. Kaplan Donald Kennedy Charles McC. Mathias, Jr. William J. Perry* Robert M. Solow H. Guyford Stever Sheila E. Widnall Jerome B. Wiesner * Through February 1993 ADVISORY COUNCIL Graham T. Allison, Jr. William O. Baker Harvey Brooks Harold Brown James M. Cannon Ashton B. Carter Richard F. Celeste Lawton Chiles Theodore Cooper* Douglas M. Costle Eugene H. Cota-Robles William Drayton Thomas Ehrlich Stuart E. Eizenstat Gerald R. Ford Ralph E. Gomory Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh Walter E. Massey Rodney W. Nichols David Packard Lewis F. Powell, Jr.t Charles W. Powers James B. Reston Alice M. Rivlin Oscar M. Ruebhausen Jonas Salk Maxine F. Singer Dick Thornburgh Adm. James D. Watkins (Ret.}§ Herbert F. York Charles A. Zraket * Died April 1993 t Through April 1990 $ Through January 1993 § Through January 1989 August 16, 1993 Dear Josh: Working to good purpose with you and our teammates of the Carnegie Commission on Science, Technology, and Government has been a richly rewarding experience. The esprit de corps that developed among us was extraordinary. The achievements, and promise, of the Commission would not have been possible without this spirit of fraternity and sense of common objectives. As co-chairmen, it was our privilege to participate in the work as well as in the conception and evolution of the Commission’s objectives, policies, and programs during these five years and the preceding gestational _ period. Each one of us can take pride and gratification in the achievements and continuing influence of the Commission in helping our country. And it has been especially heartwarming to us to observe the growth and development of the young staff members of our team. So now, as we have formally disbanded according to plan, we thank you for your friendship and assure you of ours. Each of us has been influenced by our experience together, and we hope all of us will keep in touch in the years ahead. With warm regards, Sincerely, Te £p Joshua Lederberg William T. Golden SOA ected Cet Oh ee mt Co le le “ile Professor Joshua Lederberg Suite 400 Founder’s Hall The Rockefeller University 1230 York Avenue New York, New York 10021-6399 pnts —