Public Affairs THE SCI — VOLUME 7, No. 10 ‘ THE NEWSPAPER FOR THE SCIENCE PROFESSIONAL May 17,1993 Experts Assess Carnegie Commission’ Ss Impact On U.S. Science Policy While the panel’s work has been influential, skeptics question the feasibility of some “ofits recommendations By BARBARA SPECTOR The Carnegie Commission on Sci- ence, Technology, and Govern- ment, created in 1988 by the Carnegie Corporation of New York as a five-year-long effort to assess the way science is taken into account in the formulation of United States policy, ends its ten- ure June 30. The commission, its advisory council, and its 15 com- mittees and task forces have in- cluded’ “the elite of the science policy com munity in the country,” in|: the words of|' Rep. Georg E. Brown, Jr. |. (D-Calif.)— ; among them ja} three __Nobel- ists. (Rocke- feller Univer- — sity geneticist Joshua’ Lederbe ‘Oniversity of Chicago physicist Leon M. Lederman, and Massachu- setts Institute of Technology econo- | mist Robert M. Solow) and two former U.S. presidents Jimmy Car- ter and Gerald R. Ford). In assessing the success of the commission, outside observers as well as those associated with the group point to several of its recom- ue A CAPITAL GROUP: Carnegie Commission executive director David Robinson, left, with former Rep. John Brademas of Indiana, one of the many Beltway insiders on the panel. mendations that were implemented by the Bush and Clinton administra- tions and others that have earned a spot on the national agenda. At the final meeting of the full commission, “held on April 1 (Barbara S pec tor, The Scientist, April 5, 1993, page 3), Clinton’s science adviser, John H. | Gibbons, read-a letter from Vice President Al Gore to ‘the commis- sioners that stated: “The com- _ mMission’s highly productive efforts have already greatly influenced per- _spectives and actions across federal - and state governments.” '. Members of the commission’s target audience—including congres- sional representatives and other key policymakers—praise the panel for having “made a genuine contribution to the debate,” according to John C. Crowley, director of the Massachu- setts Institute of Technology’s Wash- ington, D.C., office. They laud the ability of the commission, which spent a total of about $12 million to $15 million, to produce “well-con- ceived, well-written reports,” Crowley puts it. Yet some observers, while praising the overall quality of the commission’s work, question the relevance and feasibility of some of their recommendations. “In the net, I'd give them high marks,” says Bruce L.R. Smith, a science policy analyst at the Washington, D.C.-based Brookings Institution. But, noting that one recommenda- tion was for the appointment of a science counselor to the Secretary of State (in the commission's Jan- uary 1992 report “Science and Technology in U.S. International Affairs”), Smith says, “They pre- sume there are technological so- lutions to everything; they always want to have a scientific adviser _ (Continued on Page 8) Oo £4ay OUIBNALOR MAY 17, LYYS Continued from Page 1) to everyone and his uncle. “You don’t come up with simple answers to complex questions sim- ply by mobilizing the scientists.” Focus On Process The commission has deliberately focused its attentions on the pro- cesses of organization and decision- making in lieu of tying to find solutions to specific problems. Lederberg, a commission cochaiy- man, sa rational rib proach was that once a proper decision-making process was estab- 433 z ¥ TRICKLE-DOWN EFFECT? Commission staffer Maxine Rockoff says the recommenda: __ tions could result in more ~ opportunities for scientists, yet cochairm hua Lederber: says the commissioners I not the Scientific community, Oo lished, “the right_answers_would come oul of that process; we would not have to provide them. Mark Schaefer, senior staff asso- ciate and director of. the com- mission’s Washington, D.C., office, says the approach fills a void. “Or- ganization and decision-making are not given a lot of attention,” he says. “People are more interested in the policy itself.” But, he notes, com- mission members “who were very experienced in government” knew how unwise structures contributed to many daunting problems: “They could see organizational approaches that work and don’t work.” The commission's approach can be frustrating to some readers of the reports who are trying to formulate government policy, however. “ma goal-oriented person,” says US. Rep. Rick Boucher (D-Va.), chair- man of the subcommittee on science of the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology. “I'd like to see more specific recommendations than I'm getting.” Ex-Politicians Join Up On the other hand, commission member John Brademas, a former Democratic congress- man from Indiana, says the panel's focus on process was one of the Mm factors that induced Paes him to join. “As amem- 5 ber of Congress, [I was] over and over again faced with the question “4 MS of bringing knowledge together with policy,” he says. “The idea of helping public policymakers consider and decide in as rational a way as possible had great appeal to me.” . . a Former President Carter, for his pan, says his work as chairman of the commission’s Task Force on Devel- ‘opment Organizations was a logical extension of his activities as founder of the Carter Center, an Atlanta-- based nonprofit organization de- voted to improving health, fighting hunger, resolving’ conflict, promot- ing democracy, and . preserving human rights (see accompanying story). : oo “The more that have become immersed in [the] Third World . . . since I left the White House, the more I see that we need some sort of comprehensive approach to, quote, foreign aid, unquote,” he says. “The Carnegie project gave me an oppor- tunity to concentrate on that. That's NEWS Carnegie Commission: The Voices Of Experience why I felt it’s worth the investment of my time,” | . Reports’ Relevance : The commission did not set out to directly impact the lives of average working scientists, says Lederberg. “We didn’t consider ourselves apol- ogists’ or defenders or lobbyists for the scientific community,” he says. “Our first responsibility was to the citizenry, not to the welfare of scien- tists.” The ultimate goal, he says, was for “the average scientist (to) be part of a system that’s functioning rr EXHIBITING PRESTIGE: Com- mission cochairman William Golden is chairman of the board of the American Museum of Natu- ral History in New York. neling of [scientific] knowledge into policy outcomes.” : However, says Maxine L. Rockoff, senior administrator of the commission, if the reports’ recom- mendations were implemented, there would be “more channels available for scientists to have their ideas and their knowledge brought to the decision-making process. To the extent that happens, ‘there will be invitations and opportunities for sci- entists with relevant knowledge to affect the climate in which funding for research is done.” Specific commission recommen- dations could lead to job opportuni- ties, says commission cochairman William T. Golden, chairman of the of the American Mu- seum of Natural History in New York. “If the attention paid within our federal and state governments to sci- ence and technology issues increases,” he says, “there’d be some jobs available that do not now exist.” The Issues . Of the - commission's roughly 400 recommenda- tions, several have already earned serious consider- ation by top government officials and other policy- makers (see story on page 9). Yet the commission’s | creator, Carnegie Corpora- tion president David A. Hamburg, says he didn’t originally intend for the panel to have immediate "| hit upon the idea of acom- ‘mission, he says, -“I was term.” But the commis- 1 sioners began to address more. near-term issues “partly for their own moti- vation; they felt they needed receptor sites, to more efficiently, with better chan- © primarily thinking long-_ use a neuroscience anal- za ogy,” he says. “I used to complain at meetings that they not lose sight of the long term.” Among the issues the commission did not ad- dress are two that are cur- rently high on the national agenda: health care and U.S. research univer- sities. Lede says the panel opted to stay away from health care because many other groups were studying the issue; thus, “access to expertise [was] not the limiting fac- tor.” On the matter of research uni- versities, Lederberg said at the April 1 commission meeting, the group de- cided that because so many of the commissioners were academic sci- entists, a report on the subject— which of necessity would deal with research ‘budgets—would appear self-interested. “We felt we should downplay that side in order to be more effective,” he said. " A Limited Perspective? Observers say the commission , could have benefited from being - more inclusive. “I’m suspicious of any organization that consists of al- most exclusively over-50 white males,” says Daryl Chubin, senior associate at the Office of Technology Assessment (OTA). There are three women on the 22-member commis- sion and two on the 31-member ad- visory council. relevance. When he first . § "SOCIETAL INFLUENCE: Rod- ney Nichols, CEO of the New - York Academy of Sciences, is a member of the Camegie Commission’s advisory council. Betsy Fader, executive director of Student Pugwash USA in Wash- ington, D.C., a group of young men and women dedicated to exploring the interrelationship of science and society, says she has been especially concerned about the lack of young people on the commission. “So much of the commission's work in- volves moving away from past pni- orities and assessing funire ones: [it should] include those whe will be affected by the new priorities,” she says. . “The people who are students now will be the managers of technol- ogy in 20 years’ time. They're still undertaking the research; they really know what the challenges are.” Rodney W. Nichols, a member of the panel's advisory council and chief executive officer of the New York Academy of Sciences, ac- knowledges that such criticism raises “quite a reasonable point." He notes that the commission's found- ers set out to recruit panelists who had the “highest possible credibility . by dint of their professional standing and accomplishment. A younger group probably would have said something different.” Schaefer, who at 38 is one of the younger people associated with the commission, notes that while the commissioners generally tended to be 50 and older, “in developing our task forces, we did reach out to youn- ger people.” In addition to drawing on the expertise of commissioners, he explains, the panel recruited task force members and consultants of DEFENSE MECHANISM: Com- mission founder David Hamburg, left, with Witiam Perry, who chaired a task force on national security and is now deputy secretary of defense. varying ages. “It may appear on the surface that there were only older people, but, in fact, it was more mixed,” he says. In retrospect, says Hamburg, if he had the chance todo it over, “I would have included more young scientists and more bench scientists in the en- terprise, and 1 would have involved more women and minorities. Also, I might have made it more interna- tional.” Mission: Impossible? The commission has been criti- cized for its repeated suggestions ad- vocating a reorganization of government and nongovernmental, agencies. Science and Government Report (SGR), for example, opined in a review of the commission's Sep- tember 1992 report “Enabling the Future: Linking Science and Tech- nology to Societal Goals” (22[15]:8, Oct. I, 1992): “Here, as in prior pre- scriptions, the Commission yearns to link existing organizations for fur- ther studies, convene meetings, and ‘add to the capital’s glut of unread ‘reports.” Congressman Brown, who has “a high regard” for the work of the commission, acknowledges that the “changes in the structure of the federal gov- ernment frequently advocated by the panel do not “seem too practi- cal.” He adds that “I've tried to achieve some of these same objec- lives without success.” Commissioners were aware of the trade-off involved with making — f. less-than-practical — recommenda- lions, says Lederberg: “We had quite a debate about whether we would say what we thought would be the best thing or compromise in ad- vance.” A question addressed by the task forces in their deliberations, says David Z. Robinson, the com- mission’s executive director, was: “If you make a recommendation that’s impractical, does that hurt the rest of the report?” One detriment of including an infeasible recommen- dation, he notes, is that in analyzing the. final product, ‘That’s that hopelessly naive report,’ without realizing that there's a lot of good fecommendations i in the rest of | the report.” There's room for hope that recommendations currently viewed as dubious would be taken seriously if the political winds shift,’ he says: “You hope that you've planted a seed that will grow years later.” Achieving Consensus Commission members and staff say the discussions of the “people say, - “We had a lot to settle. For example, can you discuss K-12 education without [also discussing] social problems?” Branscomb, Albert Pratt Public Service Professor in the Science, Technology, and Public Policy Pro- gram at Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government, Says that “at the end,” consensus was achieved by “getting the key protag- onists in. a room and locking the . door,” The goal of such encounters, he says, was “to figure out why the differences were occurring and to address the origins of those differ- ences.”” The chairperson of each task force, as well as the commission staff, have played major roles ii merging the divergent views into . consensus report, working togethe - to draft language that everyone cai _ live with. “Obviously, one doesn’ want to put together a lowest-com mon-denominator report, becaus: that tends not to be strong,” say: Rockoff. “It takes time fora groupt: get to agreement,” says Robinson “Tt often takes toning down the lan guage, bur. you want to get then signing on.” Boucher says the fact that Carne |: gie Commission reports are consen ... sus documents can be a great help i - a representative “inundated with re. ports,” noting that, when he receive: © ” (Continued on Page 14 various. task forces: some- times became quite heated. “We had immense argu- ments,” says Lewis M. Branscomb, chairman of ' ~the commission’s Task Force on K-12 Mathematics and Science Education. AGREEING TO AGREE: Lewis Branscomb says that members of some task forces at times had difficulty reaching con- sensus in deliberations. Carnegie Panel Influenced Two Administrations - (Continued from Page 9) a commission publication, “I know that report represents the opinion of the most esteemed scientific minds. They've performed a tremendous service.” Target Audience Responds Specific commission recommen- dations have come into question by some members of the target audi- ence for the panel's reports. OTA's Chubin, for example, says he’s con- cemed about the suggestion in “En- abling the Future” that the National Academy of Sciences be the institu- tion to administer a national forum on science and technology goals (Barton Reppert, The Scientist, Nov. 23, 1992, page !). NAS is “a top- down, academically oriented institu- tion,” and thus perhaps not the best one to host such a forum, says Chubin. “Ifyou put it in another kind of organization, you'd geta different kind of skew.” SGR (22[15)}:8, Oct. 1, 1992) commented sardonically about the recommendation: "As homebase for this proposed su- perfluity (the forum], the Com- mission states its preference for [re ( the. National Academy of Sci- ‘ ences.,..SGR sug- gestion: Better yet, go for broke and put it in the U.S. Postal Service.” ~ Boucher, on the other hand, says that “Enabling the Fu- ture’ has been quite helpful” to his sub- committee. “The Carnegie Commis- sion correctly identi- fied the problem— how to closely link the dollars that we spend to the goals we hope to achieve,” he says, “It' very nicely phrases the issue in a way the public can understand,” In one of its earli- est efforts, an October 1991 report entitled “Science, Technology, and " Congress: Analysis and Advice from the Congressional Support Agen- cies,” the commission turned its at- tention to OTA, the General Accounting Office, the Congrts- "sional Research Service, the Library of'Congress, and the Congressional —_ Budget Office. em) “I didn't think — they captured what we're about,” says ‘9@| The res oe aot | port—which recommended “that OTA explore _waysto enhance its interactions with other outside organizations” — “seemed to deny that there’s infor- mal contact” by staff of the agencies among each other as well as with | nongovernmental organizations, Chubin says. “It read as if they’re tying. to justify a role for them- selves. Implicitly, what they’re say- ing is that we need [a nongovernmental organization] like the Carnegie Commission, I think a congressional support agency ‘can do—and does—quite well what they say is needed.” Joining The Power Structure The commission, which issued its first report as George Bush was settling into the White House, “wied very hard to be nonpartisan,” says Lederberg. “We knew that this Would be an ongoing thing, and we couldn't tie it to one administration. We wanted to do work that would make sense through a political tran- ition, with nothing we need to ter.” The success of the panel at this endeavor can be measured by the extent to which members of the Car- negie Commission are now moving into the Clinton administration. Sci- ence adviser Gibbons, for example, was @ member of several commis- sion task forces. Commissioner Wil- liam J. Perry, who chaired the commission's Ad Hoc Task Force on “T] PANELISTS: In ‘| photo above, 1 trom left, #4 William Golden, John Brademas, Jimmy Carter, and yoshua Lederbery ‘at a commission meeting. In photo at left, Lewis Branscomb, left, andJohn Brademas discuss an issue. In back- ground is executive irector David Robinson. National Security, is now deputy secretary of defense. Advisory coun- cil member Ashton B. Carter, also a member of that task force, has been nominated to be assistant secretary of defense, and commissioner Sheila E. Widnall has been nominated tobe the Air Force secretary. At press time, Carter and Widnall had_not been confirmed. . -Quipped Perry at the April i meeting: “I’m in the awkward posi- tion of having spent several years advising myself what I should be doing.” “OQ