Commission on Risk Assessment and Risk Management Gilbert S. Omenn, Chair ‘ Joshua Lederberg Norm Anderson , Sheila McGuue Pecer Y. Chiu David P. Rall John Doull Virginia V. Weldon Bernard D. Goldstein Cari Mazza, Federal Officer Alan C. Kessler Guil Charnicy, Executive Director INFORMATION e Mandated under the 1990 Amendments to the Clean Air Act e Considering issues related to how human health risk assessments are performed and, most importantly, how the results of human health risk assessments are used in regulatory decision-making e Focussing on the five aspects of our mandate: * uses and limitations of risk assessment in decision-making appropriate exposure scenarios uncertainty and risk communication risk management policy issues consistency across agencies * 0# # @ e Also considering the 1994 Natiunal Research Council report, Science and Judgment in Risk Assessment e Meeting monthly since May 1994; reporting to Congress in March and September 1996 Gail Chaeniey, Ph.D./2101 Consticucion Ave.. N.W.. Washington, D.C. 20418/Phone: (202) 334-2h89/Facs: (202) 334-2752 .