FREEDOM House WILLKIE MEMORIAL BUILDING / 20 WEST 40th STREET. NEW YORK, N.Y. 10018/ (212) 730-7744 CHEMICAL/BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS INFORMATION PROJECT Stuart J.D. Schwarizstein Director (212) 869-4339 . March 29, 1982 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Box 115 Rockefeller University New York, NY 10021 Dear Dr. Lederberg: In case you haven't seen it yet, I think the enclosed State Department report will be of interest to you. Ordinarily I would not distribute a U.S. Government document, and I should emphasize that this does not constitute an unqualified endorsement of the report. However, as this is not only the most comprehensive USG document thus far released on this subject, but the most important report on “current CW use thus far published anywhere, I think it warrants wide dissemination and careful scrutiny. As you know, we believe--tragically--that the basic conclusion of this report is correct: that chemical and biological weapons are and continue to be used in Laos, Cambodia and Afghanistan. Beyond that, despite the impressive evidence marshalled by the State Department, there remain a number of questions which need be answered. It would be extremely helpful to our efforts if you would share with us any comments or criticisms which you may have of the report. To share with you one important criticism of the report that I have: the portrayal of all the Hmong of Laos as "resisting" the LPDR regime. That is not the actual case; nor is it true that all of the Hmong who have been victims of chemical warfare have been combatants or even overtly hostile to the Lao regime. It is not only that these outlawed weapons are being used, but they are being used indiscrimately against civilian populations--and that makes it all the more heinous. Again, I'd be grateful for your comments. With best regards, art J.D. fae