ZENTRALINSTITUT FUR MOLEKULARBIOLOGIE Robert-Rodssle-Str. 10 Berlin-Buch Oo 1115 Germany FAX: (372) 349 4161 Tel: 346 2362 Professor Joshua Lederberg Rockefeller University TOIER York Avenue CERVEUER 6, New York, NY 10021 ‘ USA toe, ace 3 April 1991 Dear Dr Lederberg, thank you very much for your letter of 23 December 1990 and for providing me with the two interesting reprints ("The once and future professor" and "The social function of the scientist"). May I repeat the question of my 4 July 1990 letter to ask whether you can kindly provide me with material on the conference on "Emerging Viruses" including (a preprint of) the review prepared by Stephen Morse (as mentioned in Science, vol. 247, p. 279). The Iraq problem was discussed in Kiihlungsborn only marginally (see page 14 and 15 of the enclosed reprints). To me it is still an open question whether the Iraq was in the possession of biological and toxin weapons, indeed, and whether and which BW and TW agents have been weaponized. Perhaps implementation of the obligations of the armistice will finally provide an satisfactory answer which might have a decisive impact on, among other things, the course of the Third Review Conference to the BW Convention. Sincerely, E&. Prer— abeqerk / ban tn OH uA Les “sok poe ~ Bub Ferg { f (t ‘ pet ee Tone AADebrywuy anette or MAY 21 90)