Management Logistics Intemational, Ltd. 1401 Wilson Blud. Atlington, Virginia. 22209 - (703) 522-4550 TWX 710-955-1137 Cable Address MLILTD August 15, 1990 Professor Joshua Lederberg Suite 400, Founder’s Hall The Rockefeller University 1230 York Avenue New York, New York 10021-6399 Dear Josh, I called but have heard nothing from the Science Advisor. The situation in Iraq increases the chances that they or the Palestinians will turn to chemical/biological terrorism. I think the entire thing is caught up in the typical bureaucratic morass here in Washington. I would hate to think of an incident of this nature occurring — when we feel very strongly about the likelihood — and we had not pressed strongly for consideration. I feel strongly that you should send the letter. After that the deaths that result from their inaction will be on their shoulders, not ours. Sincerely, feb Peter F. Bahnsen 1s bere alae fe, a AT PhD Reso s betel Ha OSE cen a tak on, te Bich D Reo. rgrmnn Sue aqurd to ras Pon comrditenr HoT mn T3R cmelade esvi(tiQuuer, GE!) Le alre- arlud Heat naan ba tulad fo eam. Dd fy fh pon Ares Prerads to rede ao m2hh: but Y put a forint GDin uM