December 3, 1949. Dr. R. Latarjet, Institut du Radiua, 26 Rue d'Ulm, Paria 5, France. Dear Latarjet: I would be very pleased if you could send me the Lisbonne—Carriere strains, although lysogenicity is so common that it would not be dif- ficult to resiaoclate comparable strains. However, they made some par- ticular observations on changes of. characteristics that would have to be repeated on the same strains. Would it be too much to ask another favor? The publications of L. and C., ete., are scattered through a number of articles in CR and in the Ann Inat Past. Is there any chance that reprints of any of these are still available, or stored away in an attic somewhere? irs. Lederberg has been stugiging the transmission of lysogenic virus in crosses, and has run into some very peculiar results, in particular that crosses of sensitive with lysogenic often give sensitive diploid progeny. The phage seems to be interrupted or else specifically segbegated at the sexual cycle. We would be very interested to learn details of your induced virus mutations. What characters are involved? We have not succeeded in accomplisking disinfection of lysogenic bacteria by any experimentak procedure with consistent reuilgs. A very small fraction ( ca. 0.1%) of colonies of survivors of UV treataent are freed of latent phage, and become resistant, but this yield is so low as to be very laborious in practice. A number of chemical tests have been ansuccessful: Phosphine GRN, nitro—aminoacridines, streptomycin, chloromycetin, aureomycin, arsenite, high temperature. Have you any suggestions? Sincerely, Joshua Lederberg