UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI cOLUMBIA SCHOOL OF MEDICINE DEPARTMENT OF BACTERIOLOGY AND PREVENTIVE MEDICINE Decenber 19, 1952 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Dr. Lederperg: We have been doing some manometric studiss on the begalactosidase of the organism Klebsiella pneumoniae. Our results are such that we would like to attemot their confirmation with the colorimetric technique which you described in your paper in the Jl. of RBacteriolosy. As you may have cathered by now, we woulé Tike to know if it would be possible to obtain a sram or so of ONPG from yous Any help you can give us in this direction will most certainly be aporeciated,. ES ALU. Victor J. Cabelli