Board of Sponsors (Partial List) * Sidney Altman Brace Ames * Philip W. Anderson * Kenneth J. Arrow * Julius Axelrod * David Baltimore Paul Beeson * Hans A. Bethe * Konrad Bloch * Norman E. Borlaug Anne Pitts Carter * Owen Chamberlain Abram Chayes Morris Cohen Mildred Cohn * Leon N. Cooper Paul B. Comely Car! Djerassi * Renato Dulbecco John T. Edsall Paul R. Ehrlich George Field Jerome D. Frank *D. Carleton Gajdusek John Kenneth Galbraith * Walter Gilbert Edward L. Ginzton * Donald Glaser * Sheldon L. Glashow Marvin L. Goldberger * Dudiey R. Herschbach * Alfred D. Hershey Frank von Hippel * Roald Hoffmann John P. Holdren * Jerome Karle Nathan Keyfitz * H. Gobind Khorana * Arthur Komberg * Willis E. Lamb, Jr. * Leon Lederman * Wassily W. Leontief * William N. Lipscomb Priscilla McMillan Roy Menninger Robert Merton. Matthew S. Meselson Neal E. Miller Philip Morrison Stephen S. Morse * Joseph E. Murray * Daniel Nathans Franklin A. Neva * Marshall Nirenberg * Amo A. Penzias * Martin L. Perl Gerard Piel Paul Pormney Mark Ptashne George Rathjens * Frederick Reines * Burton Richter David Riesman, Jr. Vernon Ruttan Jeffrey Sachs * Arthur Schawlow * J, Robert Schrieffer * Glenn T. Seaborg * Phillip A. Sharp Stanley K. Sheinbaum George A. Silver * Herbert A. Simon Neil Smelser Alice Kimbal! Smith * Henry Taube * James Tobin * Charles H. Townes * George Wald Myron E. Wegman Robert A. Weinberg Victor F. Weisskopf Robert R. Wilson c.S. Wu Alfred Yankauver Herbert F. York * Nobel laureates FEDERATION OF AMERICAN SCIENTISTS 307 Massachusetts Avenue, N.E. Washington, D.C. 20002 e@ e e Phone (202) 546-3300 Facsimile: (202) 675-1010 E-Mail: fas WWW: Carl Kaysen Robert M. Adams Ann Druyan Charles C. Price Jeremy J. Stone Chairman Vice-Chairman Secretary Treasurer President May 23, 1997 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Sackler Foundation Scholar The Rockefeller University 1230 York Avenue New York, NY 10021-6399 T es has Dear Dr_Ledefberg: We are happy to report that on April 24, 1997 the Chemical Weapons Convention was ratified by a vote of 74-26, after a great deal of debate and discussion. We thank you for your assistance in the successful conclusion of the ratification campaign. The FAS letter urging ratification from FAS Chairman Carl Kaysen and supported by 45 Nobel Laureates was read during the Senate floor debate, and entered into the record on April 23, 1997. We are sending along a copy of the relevant pages of the Congressional Record in which the letter and its supporters names appear (see Exhibit 2, beginning on the bottom of page S 3515). Once again, we appreciate your participation in ratifying this important Treaty. Sincerely, Jerenfy J. Stone President, FAS National Council Members Ruth S. Adams *Val L. Fitch Morton H. Halperin John S. Toll Rosemary Chalk Linda Gottfredson Daniel Kammen Jeremy P. Waletzky Steve Fetter David Hafemeister Robert Socolow Burns H. Weston ex officio: *Robert M. Solow, Andrew Sessler