413E. Ungiva ®. 84-01, 1000 0x. feLU8 Kuss C08 Bw : 1 Dr. Joshua Lederberg President Rockefeller University 1230 York Ave New York, N. ¥ 10021-6399 Ce, ry USA CE OF THE PRESS Your reference Our reference SEP 19 1986 Dear Dr. Lederberg, I had the privilege to meet with you in August 1968 at the Stanford University to discuss matters relating to the threat of biological warfare. We also met in Geneva, 1971 I believe, when you presented the US expert views to the Conference on Disarmament. Your views made a strong impact and contributed expressly to the coming into being of the Biological Weapons Convention, so far the only disarmament treaty! I acted then and until 1985 as an advisor to the Swedish Disar- mament Delegation in Geneva regarding Chemical and Biological Weapons. Being presently the advisor the Swedish Supreme Comm- ander on questions relating to A-, B-, and C-weapons I am still very much concerned with the possible threat from the biological weapons and the status of the biological weapons convention. I understand that this topic is still of serious concern also to you. I will be visiting the United States du- ving the end of October 1986 together with Dr. Ake Bovallius the Head of the Department for protection against radiation, biological and chemical weapons of our National Defence Rese- arch Institute. I therefore ask you if it might be possible for us to meet with you and discuss the situation with respect to the BW Convention and the general biological development in relation to the convention. It might be a timely opportunity also with respect to the fact that the Review Conference for the Convention has then taken place. We plan to be in New York on Friday, October 24, 1986, if that day might suit you and you are willing to meet with us. Thurs- day the 23rd might be an alternative, then preferably in the afternoon. We look forward very much to meet you and hope for a positive answer from you. Sincerely yours . \ en DP Pven an DS — a me Johan Lundin v When answering, FORSVARETS FORSKNINGSANSTALT please refer to” NATIONAL DEFENCE RESEARCH INSTITUTE Dote FOA No, 1986-09-03 Sida (2) —_ _ PO Rox 97297 linndantnn 90 Mee 42 ORAM . pol 23 8 Telex