Ba L THE ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY 1230 YORK AVENUE NEW YORK, NY 10021 JOSHUA LEDERBERG January 25, 1988 PRESIDENT Dr. Robert Mikulak MA/AT Room 5499 U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency Washington, D.C. 20451 Dear Bob: This is to respond to your note of January 12th and the quote from Falin in Floral Lewis* column. This rhetoric is of a piece with some of the things that Arbatov said during one of our meetings in Moscow, (June 1985) He said that of course if nuclear weapons are neutralized we will have to use whatever other means at our disposal, conven- tional or biological or whatever. If we proceed with means that they view as "illegal" under existing conventions, I'm sure that they will feel that their own obligations are rescinded. I think I mentioned this to you at the time. I don't think that there's any point in bringing this up with the biological scientists that I'm going to be meeting with; and I suspect that if we confronted let us say Batenin, he would give an answer in the same framework as I mentioned just before vis-a-vis Arbatov. I would be happy to pursue any other inquiries you would like to suggest. I have no doubt that if they feel they have their backs to the wall they will do whatever they feel is open to them to sustain their deterrent posture. That is one of my reasons for concern about the kind of blustering about our taking advantage of U.S. technology to sustain superiority that has been much abroad in recent months. XY sincerely,