JL 2.0 I992 WATC! gw VOLUME 3, NUMBER 1 JANUARY - FEBRUARY 1992 U.S. Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs This year marks the twentieth anniversary of the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC), which outlawed one of the world’s most potentially destructive weapons ofwar. As insurance against the risk that nations will once again produce or use such weapons, the interna- tional community is slowly moving to strengthen that treaty. If these efforts fail, the world may face new horrors that could jeopardize not just our national secu- rity, but the planet itself. The BWC bans the development or production of agents and toxins, as well as the means to deliver them "for hostile purposes or in armed conflict." Yet the line between civilian and military purposes (like the line between research and development) is not always clear. The treaty also permits activities that are justi- fiable for "prophylactic, protective or other peaceful purposes” but is silent on the types or quantities of agents or toxins that are appropriate for such uses. Asa result, there is a risk that "defensive" research can disguise an offensive military program. Iraq, for example, recently claimed it was engaged in "defensive" BW research (Iraq signed the BWC in 1972 but never ratified it) and Japan -- well before the BWC came into force -- termed its secret wartime BW program the "Epidemic Prevention and Water Supply Unit." The problems of verifying the intent of medical research performed under military auspices, and the difficulty of detecting the development or use of biologi- cal weapons, have led to disputes between parties to the BWC. The United States claimed in 1981 that an un- usual outbreak of anthrax in Sverdlovsk in 1979 was a Soviet violation of the BWC. The Soviets denied the claim and attributed the outbreak to natural causes; only recently have senior Russian officials challenged the once-official story. The U.S. has also accused the Soviet Union of using mycotoxins ("Yellow Rain") in Laos, Kampuchea, and Afghanistan. Some experts have suggested that short-notice, on-site inspections of declared facilities -- like those envisioned for the CW Convention -- may help to resolve these types of disputes. But inspections can only go so far in verifying compliance with disarmament agree- ments -- a point well recognized in early U.S. efforts to halt nuclear proliferation. As stated in the Acheson/ Lilienthal Report of 1946: "So long as intrinsically dangerous activities may be carried on by nations, rival- ries are inevitable and fears are engendered that place So great a pressure upon a system of international en- forcement by police methods that no degree of ingenuity or technical competence could possibly hope to cope with them.” This conclusion is especially relevant to verify- ing the BWC, given the availability of the commodities and expertise needed to produce such weapons. The Final Declaration of last year’s BWC Review Conference offers a way out of this dilemma by encour- aging an effort "to elaborate an international program- me of vaccine development for the prevention of diseases involving scientific and technical personnel from devel- oping countries which are States Parties to the Conven- tion. The Conference recognizes that such a program- me might not only enhance peaceful international cooperation in biotechnology but also will contribute to improving health care in developing countries and pro- vide transparency in accordance with the Convention." Although this proposal raises some dilemmas of its own, it may help finesse a key verification problem of the BWC. We will be monitoring relevant develop- ments in future issues of Proliferation Watch. To contact the committee, write to: Chairman John Glenn, Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs, SD-840, Washington, DC 20510-6260 or call (202) 224-4761 or 224-9682 (FAX). PRODUCTION STAFF COMMITTEE MEMBERS DEMOCRATS REPUBLICANS Staff Director Leonard Weiss John Glenn, Ohio William V. Roth, Delaware Editor Randy Rydell Sam Nunn, Georgia Ted Stevens, Alaska Carl Levin, Michigan William S. Cohen, Maine Contributors Chris Kline Jim Sasser, Tennessee Warren B. Rudman, New Hampshire Eileen Choffnes David Pryor, Arkansas John Seymour, California Ann Schnittker Herbert Kohl, Wisconsin Joseph Lieberman, Connecticut Layout ‘~~ Rucardo Ferreira Daniel K. Akaka, Hawaii