CHARLES J. CONRAD ASSEMBLY Room 3146 Phone (916) 445- 4383 State Capitol Sacramento, 95814 CW) FOR RELEASE Contact: Janet Hothersall DECEMBER 9, 1969 (213) 872-0057 California Assembly Speaker pro Tempore Charles J. Conrad today released the attached letter he wrote to President Richard M. Nixon regarding the President's chemical and bio- logical warfare announcement, November 25. Conrad expresses concern about President Nixon's proposal to ratify the Geneva Protocol and limit our Nation's capabilities in the chemical and biological warfare field. The attached letter was also presented today to the House Subcommittee on Foreign Affairs headed by Congressman Clement J. Zablocki. Zablocki's Subcommittee is considering President Nixon's proposal. Conrad, who served as a chemical warfare specialist during World War II, has, for the past decade, spoken on the need for the United States to retain a strong posture in the CBW field. kK kK KK KK EK