cage oe nstitut Past e ur . | PARIS, le ..27.-February.—. (4 28, RUE DU DOCTEUR ROUX ‘ (XV Anvond*) Téléphone, SEGur 01-10 2B Hepes srepates pps ce nent err cont paot Lite T ¢ Oa LS et TOY LGOt wey AgrenT YE MOLT InD wearer ab Siow Gnoy to ems PUBS ets vso I ss ist bits it ad i OUND say eet ada Ot gas: byeiss VL ie Ch EE Peay gris forcady 7 De&r B&the? and Yoshi © WEI Neo edte: ete: frag | I was ‘delighted by your recent® “Yettér°with all its details of Grabar's visit in Madison. A jotrat. ipople from our lab is visiting you, I under- stand and Wisconsin is, ind I than ever, a big center. This letter is speedily sant to you as I just realize that Jacques Monod has been visiting yor, now. Did he gave you the Chinese "estampage" and the little catalogue,as ke was supposed to do sos if I ask you this question it is because we know his absent-mindedness and I would be much disappointed if he had forgotten . We do like these Chinese engra- vings, Suzan and I, very much,and we hope it will suit well your new house. As you probably know,I am now back from a little convalescence trip in the Midi and very anxious to go back to work heavily, as I have in my mind so many things I planned to dofluring all these months of semi- inactivity: before anything else I want to push the purification of the neurotoxin of the Cobra venom and get an answer about it being the same fraction as the lecithinase of the venom and also to confirm that it is really a small polypeptide molécule. The second dir.cction being the study of the lecit:.inase-unti lecitinase reaction# which I am just beginning. I have been promoted,recently a member of the Pasteur Institute and I hope it will help me in getting more financial help in my work , it is also morally nice to get into this good old family house, despite all its little struggles, specially after 9 years during which I was working in its lab without being a member of the staff. | I will look around for the Pasteur's work and also willask the main French Scientific publishers to send you theirs catalorues. I have no ideas about the flagel&as antigenic snecificity in Salmo- nella but I guess that an immunological analysis in gels may be of interest to study it. I will ask Cludin what he thinks of the prospect? eh ge PQ. .ytsuidel..—S . ob 2I9Aad - - weteed jtusitenk XUOS AUITIOG UG 3UR ac CononA VX) Of-1O OBS , enoiqaiaT Thank you for your reprints , I will read them with grewt tnterest’ Hs far as I can undegstand,as some of your work is rather far from my field | I mail this letter in a hurry , asyJ.wanl tq,.get. the pext mail. hp ae bo pibcd os an, ;,eyer., ., Lote pete gion cay I eae FE ‘ od on T ey bob md at 7 ud r i i oF 4 t Misc . L Moi pa Mi Frary < . { : ¢. tw ‘& : ™ 2 t i th eb ts DAgIe baie teyn : : Oe ~ PE e |E hk Soom ros tan so i et “ ‘ . ” moe : i rae . L c an i oyt ! oo OCHO ane ache 4 "> : + + a — Laid £ 2 “ ptt a vidas r ; mae ; cy wove . i : cA v HS . _ i i . ct ' * ff CoPre CP NG we et Ne mr. Ms. ! : 4 4 roy ree. : Ni eo itigd You ty } a " pew, 1 4 7 a , 4 . ‘ dad ad ho t ia ° r ‘ e r Ty i © bong ; ik i , of - : % ~ Af . we i 4 ; mes t t t ¥ ‘ 5 eit roe bee, * Poo mas hrs hi i i r c 4 mt + ‘ ~~ ta Ya ; + neg 4 re * ¢ * - o : rom NE i y a Jf ? . : r po se pa i a £ i = t wi ot ¢ 2 ; i 4 ey - Hae! i a . + : : i 4 i t A cof Cre | oF ve i o ¢ c € + s * A . Ly i > - + A f a, t 4. ye ' ota 7 , i Bok & : 4 ‘ Ak “ » j 7 i med a Vi { fy L oe os