Cf SE /B/ Es NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES 2101 CONSTITUTION AVENUE, NW WASHINGTON, D.C. 20418 OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT November 26, 1996 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Rockefeller University Founder’s Hall, Suite 400 1230 York Avenue New York, NY 10021-6399 Dear Josh, I am pleased to offer you an appointment as the chairman of a new committee being formed to develop a plan for cooperation between biomedical researchers in Russia and the United States. Your appointment would be for a one year term beginning November 25, 1996. Your leadership of the Committee on International Security and Arms Control’s Working Group on Biological Weapons Control has been invaluable in bringing this project to fruition. I am delighted that your patience has finally been rewarded. The committee’s charter is to develop a plan for U.S. Government support for cooperative research, monitoring and public health management studies of serious diseases of global public health importance. Recognizing that many of the leading specialists on the relevant pathogens in both countries have historically been associated with biological defense programs, the United States Department of Defense has provided financial support to the NAS for this effort through the Nunn-Lugar legislation. The project will be able to initiate at least two joint research projects designed to demonstrate the benefit of combining American and Russian scientific expertise in biology and public health. It will also develop an institutional design for monitoring dangerous pathogens, for responding to occurrences of the diseases they cause and for conducting research on preventive and therapeutic techniques. This bilateral effort will be coordinated with other international programs that have similar purposes. The initial joint research projects are to be carried out through the International Science and Technology Center in Moscow and we hope to be able to begin them in early 1997. The report outlining the longer term institutionalized arrangement for continued cooperative work is to be completed in the fall of 1997. This is a demanding schedule, but we believe it is a major opportunity to foster cooperation on urgent public health issues. There will be opportunities for committee members to travel to Russia to consult with colleagues there on the development of both the initial projects and the longer term plan. As with other Academy activities, your participation on this committee will be strictly as an individual and not as a representative of any organization. Members of Academy committees serve voluntarily and without compensation. The Academy will reimburse you for transportation and other allowable expenses incidental to travel and itemized subsistence and accommodation costs. I am enclosing the standard statement, entitled "On Potential Sources of Bias," and ask that the form be returned to my office with your letter of acceptance of appointment. If you have any questions about your appointment or other matters relating to the Committee, I suggest that you contact Dr. Jo Husbands, Director of the Committee on International Security and Arms Control, or Dr. Christopher Howson, Director of the Board on International Health. Her number is 202-334-2811; his is 202-334-3658. I hope you will agree to undertake this additional responsibility in an area of great importance to all of us. I am confident that you would make a significant contribution and would find it an interesting and rewarding experience. incerely, President Enclosures