SHEMYAKIN & OVCHINNIKOV INSTITUTE OF 16/10 Miklukho- Malays str, BIOORGANIC CHEMISTRY TET Ma MI uo r007 RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES Telex 411982 trem su Prof. V.T. IVANOV Director Dr. Joshua Lederberg Chair Working Group on Biological Weapons Control National Academy of Sciences Committee on International Security and Arms Control 2101 Constitution Avenue Washington, D.C. 20418 U.S.A. 12th April, 1993 Dear Joshua, I did not forget of my promise (the letter of Aug. 7, 1992) to write you again when I collect the available publications on the Sverdlovsk epidemic, Yeltsin’s statements, etc. As a result I have a pile of articles from the central newspapers containing small bits of hard facts and citing some parts of Yeltsin conversation with Bush (however, I was unable to find the full text). It is clear that in 1979 it was not a natural outbreak of anthrax. As for the nature of research which resulted in the accident it is impossible to judge from those publications. I also spoke with Rem Petrov and Evgeni Sverdlov about the questions you raised. Generally, they confirmed the view expressed in my previous letter that the volcanic political and economic at- mosphere here does not provide a comfortable climate for the acti- vity of our group. At the same time the Russian Academy of Sciences continues to function and there is no direct argument to cease our meetings and the exchange of information. Moreover, a few days ago I was told by Rem Petrov that he ac- cepted your initiative to hold in Washington, D.C. an informal planning session for the next formal meeting. He also asked me to participate in order to retain the continuity which I will gladly do. Please, let me know whether there are specific items which you think I should not miss when preparing for the trip. From my side I will review my files and prepare the list of experts potentially useful for our exchange of information. I look forward to meeting you soon, Kind personal regards Sincerely V/, c oOo Vadim T.Ivanov