Ay 06/15/92 6:13PM — srl PAGE 002 Xx June 15,1992 Dr. Joshua Lederberg President Emeritus, Professor Rockefeller University 1230 York Ave, New York, N.Y. 10021 Dear Josh: After sending you the revised version of my memo earlier today, I have received indirectly some additional information. According to Jeff Smith of the Washington Post, Yeltsin said on May 27 that the KGB had admitted to him, apparently at the time of the Sverdlovsk incident, that the anthrax outbreak had originated at the BW research installation. Jeff gave me no further details but from his questions it is apparent he is writing an article that will indict Burgasov, Nikiforov et al for deliberate misrepresentation and will probably treat all the Americans involved in their visit here somewhat harshly as well. I suggested that the details of what Yeltsin had said would matter in particular whether the KGB had specifically said at the time that the incident involved airborne propagation. I said that would be an important element in judging whether the account given here during the 1988 visit was accurate but incomplete or whether it involved direct misrepresentation. I assume that Jeff's article will appear tomorrow since he said he was working on deadline. Sincerely, John Steinbruner