peer Gieli2 WAS | TIdAc - Bu NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES 210f CONSTITUTION AVENUE, NW WASHINGTON. D.C. 20418 OFFICE OF THE PRESIOENT March 4, 1992 Dr. Joshua Lederberg University Professor Suite 400, Founder’s Hall The Rockefeller University 1230 York Avenue New York, NY 1002]-6399 Dear Dr. am pleased to offer you reappointment as chair of the Biological Weapons Control Working Group of the Academy’s Committee on International Security and Arms Control (CISAC) for a two year term beginning April 1, 1992. We value your past service with the group and hope that you will be willing to remain involved. I realize that the working group was not active during the past year because of the situation in the former Soviet Unian, but I hope that it will be able to resume work soon. I also hope that the group will contribute to CISAC’s effort to address the broader problem of weapons proliferation. If you have any questions about your appointment or other matters relating to the Committee, I suggest that you contact Dr. William Colglazier, Executive Director of the Office of International Affairs; his number is 202- 334-2800. I hope you will agree to continue your service in an area of great importance to all of us. I am confident that you will continue to make a significant contribution and to find it an interesting and rewarding experience. Thaw Yd Omv odes A ed & Yours sincerely, het ee oD lént— Frank Press No rAl be tte President CAA I ee Rrra ves 4 ef oot Legacy.