DOoNMnU UVa UO/ 44/04 LO. 6U ad CVG GO% LIDY o> LEVOIND i] SHEMYAKIN INSTITUTE OF BIOORGANIC CHEMISTRY RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES Prof, V.T.IVAN OV, D. Sc. 16/10 Mildukho-Maldaya str. 117871 Director Moscow V-437 RUSSIA Phone (005) 3830-56-38 Fax (095) 310-7007 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Telex 411982 trem su Chair Working Group on Biological Weapons Control Nationalal Academy of Sciences Committee on Internationa Security and Arms Control 2101 Constitution Avenue Washington, D.C. 20418 U.S.A. August 7, 1992 Dear Joshua, It was nice to hear from you after our last meeting at Skytop Lodge. As you correctly mentioned in your letter of July 7 the po- litical context has changed dramatically since December, 1990. Our Academy is now Russian Academy of Sciences, and we experience the same difficulties as the country in general. The Institutes are on- ly partially supported by the Academy and we all struggle for sur- vival. Under such pressure I am not sure that the Presidium and the new President are prepared to spend effort and money on the issues not directly related to that struggle. Stimulated by your letter I will try to find out what did Pre- sident Yeltsin state about Sverdlovsk (1979) epidemic and what is his team doing now about the investigation. Some papers appeared recently in the domestic press also related to the activity of Sverdlovsk institute which is exactly what you expected. I do not think that the visit of Drs. Burgasov and Nikiforov should be seen as a cloud on the credibility of academies’ activi- ties - you and we did what we could under the circumstances. I will write to you again when I collect the information presently available. However, being completely tied up by the duties at the Institute and my own peptide research I feel hesi- tant to do an independent investigation. To my view, the American-Russian Biomedical Research Foundation is a more attractive place for investing time and effort than Arms Control Activities. I will algo discuss with Eugene Sverdlov all these issues. Kind personal regards Sincerely, J aki, Vadim T. Ivanov Washington, D°c.