h VG ; DEC 19 1989 i em WHITEHEAD INSTITUTE < > Robert A. Weinberg Member, Whitehead Institute Professor of Biology Massachusetts Institute of Technology 617/258-5159 December 15, 1989 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Rockefeller University 1230 York Avenue New York NY 10021 aL a ee Dear ps tag As you may know, the Third Review Conference of the Biological Weapons Convention will be held in 1991 in order to review and update international agreements designed to ban the use of biological warfare and weaponry. These conferences are held every five years and the U.S. State Department will begin preparations for these negotiations shortly. The current Biological Weapons Convention lacks verification measures; this has become a serious problem because of advances in biotechnology and allegations of the proliferation of biological weapons. The Federation of American Scientists (FAS) is currently in the midst of a major effort to draft proposals for consideration by the State Department and other interested parties for use in these negotiations. FAS has been encouraged to do so through contacts with both the Departments of State and Defense. This represents a particularly auspicious time to strengthen this convention because of events in eastern Europe and the declared interest of the Bush Administration to bar this type of warfare. I am currently chairing this Expert Working Group on Biological and Toxin Weapons Verification under the auspices of FAS. We intend to prepare a report f our recommendations over the next several months, and we very much would like to solicit your help and expertise in reviewing aspects of these proposals and suggesting alternatives. The Expert Working Group is composed of an "Inner Core" group, which has met and will meet on a number of occasions over the next months, and of a much larger "Review Group" from which comments will be Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research / Nine Cambridge Center, Cambridge, MA 02142 617/258-5000 FAX 617/258-5061 Page Two December 15, 1989 would like you to be a member of this Review Group. After each cycle, a meeting will be held in either Washington or New York which will be attended by members of the Core and Review Groups. While we would encourage members of the Review Group to attend these meetings, I would stress that in many cases written comments on proposals will suffice to fulfill one's obligations as a Reviewer. Sf wisi in two cycles, one in January and a second in May/June. We We are currently moving forward rapidly in our planning and deliberations. The list of the Core Group and the planned schedule is attached. We would very much like to have your help and would appreciate hearing from you at your earliest convenience concerning your willingness to participate. Please note in the attached form that you may, if desired, participate informally by making comments without formal attribution and without being listed on any final report. We look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience. Sending my thanks and best wishes, I am Very truly yours, x Robert A. Weinberg, Ph.D. Member, Whitehead Institute Professor of Biology, M.LT. enclosures RAW/ea