NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES COMMITTEE ON INTERNATIONAL SECURITY AND ARMS CONTROL 2101 Constitution Avenue Washington, D.C. 20418 Dr. Philip S. Brachman, M.D. Emory University School of Medicine Department of Community Health Master of Public Health Program 735 Gatewood Road, N.E. Atlanta, Georgia 30322 Dear Dr. Brachman: Thank you for your letter of May 29 commenting on the report of CISAC's meeting with a Soviet delegation on BW. Unfortunately, the Slides shown to us in Moscow were not given to us. I do recollect that Matt Meselson was given one or two slides, but you'll have to confirm that with him. I found the remarks in your letters to me and Matt Meselson very interesting and useful. Because I am not a biomedical scientist, I am not in a position to respond knowledgeably to your comments and questions. However, I have sent copies of your letters to Dr. Lederberg. Our committee is currently considering what might be an appropriate next step in the inter-Academy dialogue on BW issues. I will keep you informed of our future activities. Thank you very much for sharing with us your reactions to the information we received from the Soviets on Sverdlovsk. Sincerely, fi To , rr JEL E Lynn Rusten Program Officer cc: Dr. Joshua Lederberg