Y TI . 2 Rockefeller THE ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY ® University < 1230 YORK AVENUE NEW YORK. NY 10021 oy oO November 20, 1986 JOSHUA LEDERBERG PRESIDENT Major General Philip Russell Commander, U.S. Army Medical Research and Development Command Fort Detrick, Maryland 21701 Dear General Russell: I am very glad you called, and look forward to finding a time that we can sit down together in Washington or Fort De- trick. Enclosed is some material outlining what I learned in Moscow last month: their account of the 1979 anthrax epidemic at Sverdlovsk. Ted Woodward was in our group and I am sure you would find it useful to get his own views on what we heard together. The material gives my own personal impressions and recom- mendations about suitable courses of action. While I believe that we should put less emphasis on the 1979 epidemic as evi- dence, there are ample other reasons to believe that the Soviets continue to sustain a substantial BW development effort. De- spite the 1972 convention, the verification and enforcement of BW arms control remains a vexing problem. Even absent flagrant violations of the convention, a residue of overhanging problems are not so easy to address. I have attempted to outline some of these in the enclosed material. Also included are materials that I have received from Dr. Matthew Meselson of Harvard University. In late August he was briefed even more extensively than we were; and he has been an efficient conduit for other documents that the Soviets appear to be willing to release at this time. Dr. Meselson has autho- rized me to distribute the segment that is identified as his own notes only on the understanding that it will not be pub- lished in the open press without his consent. I hope this will be helpful to you and that some of it at least will be important background for our own discussion when we can schedule that. Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg Encls.