STANFORD UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER STANFORD, CALIFORNIA 94305 © (415) 321-1200 STANFORD UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE Department of Genetics dugust 19, 1397) Year Jr. Scoville fhank you for sending ae the material on Cw. I was juite willing to focus rather narrowly on BW,as a biologist at the CCb, but cannot avoid naving some~ thoughts on Cw also. On the whole, I accept the reasoning in your papers, which is, I believe very similar to Han Swyter's arguments at the dablocki subcommittee. I do thibk the obvious-demnareation arpunent say cut both ways. Yes, "No Gas, Period." if that works. But I would not want to see marginal breaches of that doctrine, if they should hapoen, then ke used to justifxa¥y unlimited use of lethal vases in retaliation. Cr iM. also, the lines are inevitably much fazzier wien we consider stockpilinr,develoonent, ete. thereas I think we can identifv certain catevories of anents which are likely to be the sources of real trouble, and nut a double Line arounc them. So I mignt want the chance for a sotential reservation for snebically named "xages't, like CN, which are named, revistered, and justified as being already used domestically, anu allow that their military use might be justified “in circumstances where it migiut be Lelieved that (if ever) this would reduce casuadties in the target group. This eill coubtless leave room for arvument, but it will he on a different issue taan wiuether illegal chemical warfare was woing on. However, tae point is not worth holding on to if there is an international consensus for a warnable arns-control scueve in Cy generally. J don't see tais as very liiely soon if it must embrace all the marginal chemicals under a no-stochpile rule! the No Gas rule is still difficult if we push it down the road. that do we call it if some guerillas are suffbcated in a cave through CO generated by burning napalm? or just a Frushfire? Iwonder if that really is the most durable consensual line. I don't nave very strong feelings one way or another, and the best course might be to follow the trend of international opinion. If we have a situation where all the countries are on the same footing, it does not matter too much where the line is drawn, provided of course that it sticis. I have wondered if there might not be some merit to Ci as a level of mu tua] deterrency a notch short of the themmonuclear, and therefore more credible that it would be invoked. But, the disadvantages of proliferation out- weigh the Likely merits. Also, I an convinced that US/NAIO stratezy is committed to using "tactical nuclears" for this purpose, anc that both sides do envisage something with more steps than the "No Atom" principle seens to imply. hut this has its own dangers, and we mixht be better off if Cw took the place of the tactical nuclears uncer an arms control agreement. That would iaake the "No Atom" principle much more credible. LT. J. P. KENNEDY, JR. LABORATORIES FOR MOLECULAR MEDICINE, DEDICATED TO RESEARCH IN MENTAL RETARDATION MOLECULAR BIOLOGY HEREDITY NEUROBIOLOGY DEVELOPMENTAL MEDICINE but I don't see anything as complicated as tais ever working out.