'MEMO FROM TO: peter Da TX J. LEDERBERG ere y RC GENETICS DEPARTMENT ACDA RO STANFORD UNIVERSITY STANFORD, CALIFORNIA X. Intl Congress Microbiology/Mexico Pxuxnt This meeting will be held August 9-15. [ enclose a letter I received from Heden, vhich you may already have. Jid you mean Mike (E.M.) Foster rather than Porter as one of the US members? We may have trouble with him more from the other side; his position is likely to be close to that of Dennis Watson's, whom he knows even more closely (personally and profes- sionally) than I do from years back. How- ever I have not seen him in 19 years, and he inay be less hawkish about BW than before. He will however tend to polarize Luria, I am dure But Heden will be there too and he kno- ws the score. In view of the timing, I plan to call or write Luria next week. I can copy most of what may be needed from the material already received. If there is a brief (one or two page )fact sheet summarizing the present US diplomatic position, that would be the most helpful addition. Sincerely, (8/y/6)