The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute io Medical Researéh, ses Royal Melbourne Hospital, *.-4 Sydney Road, vy Ss PARKVILLE. N.2o VIC. Al Sth August, 1948, 4 vod Dr. Joshua Lederberg, 7 Department of Genetics, a =e The University of Wisconsin, ® WISCONSIN. U.S.A. : ‘ , tO . i Dear Dr. Lederberg, ~ a nb rece ao ta pape oe ne SS I am at present trying to revive a number of our old "irus phages and I think we should be able to let you — have at least a few within a week or two, Unfortunately the work has been interrupted for various reqsons, so I am writing | now to let you know that we, have not forgotten your request, I am rather interested in the possibility of making another attack on the nature of the phage-bacterium . adsorption in the light of our work on the action of influenza virus on red cells, since in each case the cell component concerned is a polysaccharide. comparison of the two reactions might be fruitful, Yours sincerely, | “Th (Sermeh F. M. BURNET.