a4 Re < 1976 ORGANISATION MONDIALE WORLD HEALTH DE LA SANTE ORGANIZATION ES ea’ 1211 GENEVE 27 - SUISSE 1211 GENEVA 27 - SWITZERLAND Télégr.: UNISANTE-Genéve Telegr.: UNISANTE-Geneva Tél. 346061 Télex. 27821 In reply please refer to: PERSONAL 18 March 1976 Priére de rappeler la référence: Dear Josh, First, you will be interested in knowing that Bulanov has responded to your letter to him of 28 January, concerning blood group factors in the pathogenesis of cholera. He has discussed this with Cvjetanovic and they are preparing a study to look into this matter. Perhaps they have already corresponded with you about it. I have had no reaction as yet from Dr Mahler concerning your report. This is not strange because I have seen him for exactly 3 minutes since that date when we happened to meet each other in New York during our respective travels. One of the central concerns I have is that "Management" in this Organization has placed an inordinately great paper burden on the technical units. Substantive technical work has suffered proportionately. It is a Management problem to strike a reasonable balance, if this Organization will continue to accomplish any meaningful work in the technical field. Perhaps your suggestions may help somewhat in this connexion. I have tried to point out this dilemma several times, and shall continue to do so until and after I leave in July. Las Professor J. Lederberg Department of Genetics Stanford University School of Medicine Stanford University Medical Centre Stanford, Ca. 94305 USA Professor J. Lederberg Page 2... 18 March 1976 I have had many queries from the technical units as to the assessment you made of their work following the visits of Marguerite and yourself in December. I have tried to tell them that with the information and time at your disposal it would be unrealistic to expect any firm judgement, but that your views will be transmitted to the ACMR in conjunction with the reviews of the various technical units, which will be undertaken during the ACMR session. Is there anything you would like to commit to paper which would assuage their curiosity and concern? As you know, Gus Nossal is here concentrating on the Tropical Disease§ Programme. He is also experiencing some frustration, but I believe very positive results will be forthcoming. I believe we shall be able to report much progress, both at Headquarters and in the regions with respect to the development of research activities, although again it is primarily organizational, rather than substantive in nature. I am trying to effectuate a smooth transition with Howard Goodman taking over, but problems remain on that score. You will hear more about preparations for the ACMR in due course, With best regards to Marguerite and yourself, Yours sincerely, a Martin Kaplan