976 WORLD HEALTH yan ORGANISATION MONDIALE ORGANIZATION X Ny DE LA SANTE 1211 GENEVA 27 - SWITZERLAND 1211 GENEVE 27 - SUISSE Telegr.: UNISANTE-Geneva Teélégr.: UNISANTE-Genéve Tél. 346061 Télex. 27821 In reply please refer to: OMH 2g January 1976 Priére de rappeler Ja référence: Dear Dr Lederberg, I apologize for not writing earlier but almost immediately after we had our discussion here in Geneva I had to leave on duty travel and on return found such a mountain of urgent things to do that all my correspondence got delayed. I am listing below some references on the colour blindness/manic depressive psychoses links: 1. Linkage Studies with X-Chromosome Markers in Bipolar (Manic-Depressive) and Unipolar (Depressive) Illnesses Mendlewicz J and Fleiss J.L. Biological Psychiatry, Vol. 9, No. 3, 1974 2. X-Linkage and Manic-Depressive Iliness Loranger, A.W. Brit. J. Psychiat. (1975), 127, 482-8 3. Evidence for X-Linkage in the Transmission of Manic-Depressive Illness Mendlewicz, J. Fleiss J.L., and Fieve R.R. J. American Med. Assoc. Dec. 25, 1972, Vol. 222 4, Manic-Depressive Illness: Linkage with the Xg Blood Group Fieve, R.R., Mendlewicz J. and Fleiss J.L. Am. J. Psychiatry 130312, December 1973 We should be most interested in having your comments on this matter because it has been suggested that a screening for colour blindness should be undertaken in several of our centres dealing with manic depressive illness, in order to gather, for further study, a sufficiently large sample of people afflicted by the two conditions. Also, herewith, two references concerning the possibility of developing indicators of changes in the quality of care provided in mental hospitals: 1. Dr J.K. Wing and G.W. Brown "Institutionalism and Schizophrenia" Cambridge University Press, 1970 2. Odeg&érd, 0 "Mortality in Norwegian Psychiatric Hospitals 1950-1962" Acta genet., Basel 17; 137-153 (1967) Dr J. Lederbert OMH We are at present planning for a study on the mortality of the mentally 111. Our main interest focusses on possible associations of mental and neurological disorders and other diseases, the mortality patterns of institutionalised and non-institutionalised patients with mental disorders (in comparison to the general population and across cultures), and the stimulation of national research in this field. The first phase of this study will be carried out in countries with registers of mentally disordered patients. The overall programme in the field of mental health, which you have seen in draft, will be discussed shortly at the meeting of the Coordinating group; I shall send you the agreed version of the programme immediately after that. It was most stimulating and enjoyable to meet you here and discuss things with you. I do hope that, when you come in June, we shall have time to continue our discussions. With kindest regards to you and Mrs Lederberg and best wishes for a happy and successful New Year. Yoyrs sincerely, | Pte ale Ltr Dr N. Sartorius Chief Office of Mental Health Dr J. Lederberg Professor of Genetics Stanford University Medical Center Stanford, Calif. 94205 USA