13 197—@ : ORLDB HEALTH ORGANIZATIO iy ORGANISATION MONDIALE vy DE LA SANTE 1211 GENEVE 27 - SUISSE 1211 GENEVA 27 - SWITZERLAND Télégr.: UNISANTE-Genéve Telegr.: UNISANTE-Geneva Tél. 346061 Télex. 27821 In reply please refer to: Priére de rappeler la référence: 15 October 1974 Dear Josh, Further to my letter of 4 October I attended the meeting in Davos on genetic manipulations, and had a chance to speak with Paul Berg. He professed almost entire ignorance about WHO, except for a negative report he had heard on WHO's bureaucracy, which made him question whether we were the right organization to be imvolved in the international aspects of the Moratorium problem and what might be done about it. ICSU had been recommended to him as the appropriate organization. Perhaps, after speaking with Maaloe and me he is slightly better informed. It does not seem likely that WHO will be invited as an organization to the meeting in February. Berg thought this might be a later step. I think it is a mistake, but I did not, and shall not, press the matter. I told him that, if asked to do so, WHO would be glad to consider what help we might give in dealing with the entire matter, ou I shall send/Wi thin the next day or two the material we have collected on security in laboratories, as requested in your last letter. Thank you very much for the information you sent on SUMEX. I am sure we shall take advantage of the possibilit#,it offers. I am having the question studied here and shall be in touch with you again about it. With cordial regards, Yours sincerely, Mido Martin Kaplan Director Professor J. Lederberg Office of Research Promotion Department of Genetics and Development Stanford University School of Medicine Stanford, California 94305 United States of America