WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION MONDIALE ORGANIZATION DE LA SANTE 1211 GENEVA 27 - SWITZERLAND 1211 GENEVE 27 - SUISSE Telegr.: UNISANTE-Geneva Télégr.: UNISANTE-Genéve Tél. 346061 Télex. 27821 In reply please refer to: 21 August 1974 Priére de rappeler la référence: Dear Josh, This will confirm the cable I sent you yesterday (copy attached). You probably have heard from Gus Nossal by now about the meeting of the planning group for the special programme on tropical diseases discussed at the last ACMR meeting (see section 5.2 in the attached ACMR report). Howard Goodman is in charge of this programme. You will hear separately from him concerning the details of the meeting. Briefly, we are convening in Geneva, from 15 to 17 October, a group of some 12 scientists to help us formulate the programme for presentation to a group of voluntary agencies who have signified their interest and willingness to give substantial financial support over a period of years, A final plan will be presented to the donors group in March 1975, but most of the work will have to be done during the next three months, We are inviting 12 people to attend the October meeting including Nossal and yourself. We hope very much you will find it possible to attend because we need your help in this major undertaking of particular importance to developing countries, and for Africa in the first instance, With cordial regards, Yours sincerely, fhm Martin Kaplan Professor J, Lederberg Department of Genetics Stanford University Medical Center Stanford, Ca. 94305