em gee cg : oh wy | The Walter & Eliza Hall Institute v of Medical Researchy oo ~ Royal Melbourne * Hospital, - Sydney Road, \ iS PARKVILLE. Nb “ . Dre Je Lederberg, Department of Genetics, . University of Wisconsin, MADISON, WIS., U.S.) a “Dear Dr. Lederberg, : I very mich appreciate your friendly note and . r am ° ‘ sending by surface mail those reprints. which I think will interest, you. : May I say that I found your ‘first note with Tatum jn “Nature the most interesting thing on Biology since I read Beadle . work in neurospora. The possibility of recombination of marker characteristics in influenza viruses occured to me at the time ‘and was stimlated by Luria's suggestions in regard to eased viruses. I am contemplating the use of immme sera in chick emb to block the entry into the cireulation of homologous. encephalit oH viruses from the allantoic cavity, this might allow te infections of suitable recombinationsfrom mixtures.put into the cavity... The only experiments that have yet been completed merely served to indicate that thereare going to be some difficulties and it may be a considerable time before we can get seriously to work on the problem. ‘ At present most of our time is taken up with quite a different aspect of influenza virus namely, its power to act as an enzyme with certain mucoids as substrates. It is possible that when we have this story straightened out it will be much easier to use haemagglutinin characteristics of the virus as markers in "genetic" experiments. I have received a number of your reprints and I hope that you will continue to send any further reprints bearing on ‘problems of micro~organismal genetics. With kind regards, Yours sincerely, Th Gos