THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN MADISON 5 Institute for Enzyme Research 1702 University Avenue August 31, 1950 Dr. Joshua Lederberg University of California Department of Bacteriology Berkeley 4, California Dear Josh: We have just moved end I came across your letter regarding Englesberg. I am sorry that I had misleaid it because I should have written you long ago. At the present time all of our space is full but we ere ordering laboratory benches sufficient for two research people, They will be installed on the ground floor in our prep room, probably by the end of the year. At that time we could »rovide svace for Englesberg if he is interested, I still have not granted all of the Heart fellowshins that are available, and he would be free to apoly for one. I hope you have been having a profiteble and enjoyable summer. Best regards, £4 4 a Henry A, Lerdy HAL :mijt