Decemher 13, 1951 Dr. Paul R. Burkholder Yale University OBL New Haven, Cona, Dear Paul: I would indeed appreciate having the auxotroph mutants of S. grisaas that you offared in your letter. The double mtant would be gost useful, but s few well-defined monoauxotrophs with a low residual growth would be welcome as well, Might I also hava the wlld type strain, and its designation, from which these autants were isolated? In the last few weeks, I have managed to isolate a few mutants frou UV-treated spore auapensions, tested by replica-plating. Alhout but two or three showed residual growth, or were extraordinarily seneitive to aynbrophic stimulation. Some combinations have behaved in such a way that I am convinced that heterokaryos!s occurs (not toc readily’, and there is a strong indication of further genetic interaction, presumably recombination. This work was all done with a streptomycin-sessitive S$. griseus. I think it would be worth- while tc extend the tests to other "species". Do such forme as S. lavandulae, S. coelifolcr, &. venezuslae and S. anreofaclens grow as well on synthetic medium as does S. griseus? If you think they would be technically cuitable, could you send me suthentic cultures of than? Thanks for recalling Couch's sporangiel actinomycete-- I'll look intomit. I wish I could say that silica gel was a reliable method for preservation of cultures.It ought tomwork very well if the optimal conditions are found. The two obvious variables are the proportion of water to gel, and the type of suspending fluid. We have gotten encouraging results to date by simply adding about .04 ml of bac- terial suspension in peptone to 1 gm silica gel (in a tube previously baked to sterilize and dehydrate). The tube is then sealed off directly in air. Some more work will be needed to justify and stan~ dardize the method. The silica gel is Grade 40, 6-16 mesh, Davison Co., Baltimore. Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg