STANFORD UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE 2398 SACRAMENTO STREET SAN FRANCISCO 15, CALIFORNIA OFFICE OF THE DEAN September 30, 1958 Joshua Lederberg, M.D. Department of Genetics Medical School University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin Dear Josh, Your longhand but perfectly legible communication of September 26th has been read and reread with considerable interest. Photocopies are enclosed for your records, We would be most interested in your pursuing the development of Dr. Stone's suggestion, I believe that when you have a rough outline of what you have in mind that you could very well communicate directly with Arthur Kornberg relative to Dale Kaiser's interest in and participation in such an overall package pro- gram, and, should you find it less than satisfactory to deal by mail with our colleagues in Biology, I would be more than happy to talk with any one or several of them relative to the development of this program. I believe you will find an even greater interest in boundry crossing and cooperative enterprises in the future months than has already been present. Your suggestion relative to a potential surgeon is one which I am sure the Committee already has in mind. I do not know the man, but Sophie recalls him well from her student days at Yale and several other people have spoken to me about him in most glowing terms. To what extent have you discussed with Barton Childs the possibility of him coming out here? An appointment such as this obviously should be developed through the new Executive of the Department. I, as Dean, would feel that I was throwing my past pediatric weight around a bit too much were I to push this immediately. You should realize, however, from our previous discussions that I am totally in accord with your interest in bringing into or developing within the Medical School sympathetic individuals in various departments. I believe that my long-time associate, Dr. Ruth T. Gross, currently, Associate Professor and Acting Executive of the Department of Pediatrics, has written to you about her current interest in the possibility of most effectively employing her sabbatical year in acquiring basic genetic training. Keep me posted on your progress with brother Stone; I shall be most interested, Yours sincerely, Qed Robert H. Alway, M.D. Dean RHA/ib